PRINTF - written by Travis Watford( Frankly, I wrote the printf DLL because I needed it. In spite of modern day debuggers, sometimes I really need to print to the screen. However as all of you PM programmers know, PM programs don't have a stdout/stderr to print to. Popup boxes just aren't the same. So I wrote this little DLL to solve the problem. What PRINTF does: places a sizeable dialog on the screen and directs any output headed for stdout/stderr to it. It will hold up to 16K of text. After that, things scroll off. It is small(under 22K) and very easy to use. First, link the LIB file to your program and then simply call the InitPrintf function whose prototype you will find in the included header file. After that function call printf's will be redirected to the MLE in the dialog. Just call the initialization function and printf to your heart's content. There are no fancy bells and whistles(I wanted it small) but if the default font and colors don't suit you, you can drag and drop new ones on them. However, you'll have to do it each time you run. I hope you find it as useful as I have. Travis